Acupuncture & Traditional
Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture, Tui Na and Cupping are great for the seasoned athlete, the weekend warrior, and everyone in between. We can target certain muscle groups whilst still treating the body as a whole. It’s great for speeding up the healing process of tired and stiff muscles, whether you’ve spent the day on the slopes or lifting weights at the gym.
Originating in China over 2500 years ago, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical system designed to restore systemic balance through the use of acupuncture, herbs, diet, massage (Tui-Na) and exercise (Tai-Qi, Qi-Gong). Deeply rooted in Daoist thinking, TCM applies the rules taken from the natural world and applies them to the human body.
As a holistic health system, traditional Chinese medicine begins with an analysis of the entire body, and then focuses on the correction of pathological changes through readjusting the functions its systems.
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body.
Some of the benefits include:
- Increasing circulation
- Boosting serotonin levels in the brain
- Inducing relaxation
- Relieving pain
Motor Point
Motor Point Acupuncture is the same type of acupuncture as IMS (intramuscular stimulation) and is a form of acupuncture that targets the most excitable area of a short contracted muscle and encourages it to release. IMS is great for treating chronic tight muscles and stagnant sports injuries. Ideally, acupuncture is used to prevent injury and to keep the body functioning at its full potential. It is also used for many internal disorders such as common cold, cough, headaches, painful periods, and digestive disorders; as well as musculoskeletal disorders, injury, and pain management.
Chinese herbal medicine is the largest organized herbal system in existence. In China, it is considered to be a very powerful form of therapy that is used to treat most conditions. Due to its long history of usage, the workings of the classical herbal formulas are extremely well understood.
Chinese herbs may be prescribed both as a complement to acupuncture treatments and as a primary form of therapy. They may be packaged as powders, pastes, tinctures, lotions or tablets, depending on the herb and its intended use.
Chinese herbal formulas have been used for thousands of years to treat a range of disorders such as:
- Allergies, skin diseases & other autoimmune disorders
- Fatigue
- Digestive disorders
- Sleep disturbances (insomnia, somnolence)
- Gynecological disorders (regulated menstrual cycle, infertility, endometriosis, etc).
- Colds & Flu
- Asthma & other respiratory conditions
- Stress
- Psychological problems such as depression & anxiety
A TCM practitioner may also advise you to make specific changes in your diet, such as avoiding spicy foods or alcohol. Foods are believed to either ‘heat’ or ‘cool’ the constitution, making dietary changes an important part of the healing process.
Herbal medicine can act on the body as powerfully as pharmaceutical drugs and should be treated with the same caution and respect. Some herbs can be toxic in high doses while others can cause allergic reactions. It is important to only take the herbs prescribed to you by a licensed TCM Doctor/herbalist.
It is best to avoid taking over the counter herbs found at local markets or Chinese herbal stores, as the quality and ingredients of such bottled formulas cannot be guaranteed. Never abandon your regular medication or alter the dose without the knowledge and approval of your doctor.
Be assured that the herbal formulas prescribed to you meet the highest industry standards of safety and testing. Banned substances, endangered species or other animal parts will NEVER be prescribed or included in any formula.
Cupping Therapy is the placement of heated glass cups on the skin to ease pain, stimulate blood flow, and remove toxins from the body. The cups are placed over acupuncture points,and the heat creates a suction that draws up the underlying tissue. Oils are sometimes applied to the skin so that the cups are able to glide freely along the body.
Cupping is a very therapeutic, and soothing treatment that yields great results. Often the cups will leave marks on the skin that resemble bruises, this is a result of all the blood rushing to the surface of the skin, and not due to broken blood vessels. Cupping is also commonly used in treating coughs, colds, and other lung conditions.
Tui na
Tui Na (Tway Na), Chinese Medical Massage, is a therapeutic form of massage often incorporated into treatment or is used as a stand alone therapy. It could be described as a combination of acupressure and deep tissue.